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Our Setting

Building a sound foundation for your child to grow and learn

Our Buildings

Our setting is separated into two buildings, a Nursery & Pre-School. 

Our Nursery caters for children aged 3 months to 3 years old and our Pre-School caters for children aged 3 years to 4 years 11 months old.

We have a large outdoor play area, which is solely for the use of our Willow children.  It is equipped with climbing apparatus, mud kitchen and digging area and a flat surface for the use of bikes, cars and ball games. We also conduct Forest school sessions. 

The Role of the Key Person

Each child is allocated a key worker who is responsible for recording and observing the progress of each child.  Upon joining Willow, you and your child will receive support from your child’s key worker.  This person will build a special relationship with both you and your child to ensure that your child’s experience at Willow is a happy and successful one.  Before your child begins at Willow, we offer a home visit for the key person and manager to visit you and your child at home.  This gives us the opportunity to answer any questions you may have and it will also give you the opportunity to get to know the person that will be responsible for looking after your child whilst they are at Willow.


Food and Drink

A healthy mid-morning and afternoon snack and drink will be provided.  We can provide hot lunches for your child at a cost of £2.95 per day.  If you do not want your child to have the hot lunches, please provide your child with a packed lunch and, if they are in until 6pm, food for tea time, which is at 4:30pm.  We do ask parents for a small contribution towards the cost of snack and resources, at a cost of £1.50 per session.  If your child has any particular dietary requirements e.g. allergy to milk, wheat etc, please state this clearly on your registration form and bring it to the attention of the manager.  

Model Trains
Our Setting: Our Mission
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